Shed The Guilt & Fear To Become Unapologetically YOU
MARCH 14-16, 2025

But What Will THEY Think??
You're not alone. Millions of people all over the world struggle with this patterns of being too nice, being a "people-pleaser."
You know you're too nice if:
- => You feel a strong need to be liked by everyone.
- => You hide your opinions to avoid judgment or friction.
- => You often say "yes" when you want to say "no".
- => Others' opinions of you are more real than your own.
Above all there is a chronic background fear of upsetting others
and not doing it "right", that causes endless worry and suffering.

Why Therapy & Books Aren't Enough...
Books are fantastic and my Audible library is full of books (that I swear I'll finish on day 🤪). But books aren't enough.
I was trained as a clinic psychologist and I used to do therapy with clients. But therapy isn't enough.
Because you don't just solve this problem of niceness with more information, more insight from the comfort of your therapist's couch.
There is only ONE way to solve this problem permanently, and that is through guided, repeated BOLD ACTION and a complete upgrade of your internal rule set (aka your mental software).
My approach with immersion virtual events has a proven track record of helping thousands of people break free (watch the video to see a few of them share!)

Why Immersion Is The Only Way
You've seen that being too nice and people-pleasing is costing you.
You're being overlooked, walked over, and disrespected. Worse still, you feel worried, guilty, or anxious much more than you'd ever want to admit to others.
The bad news is this will not magically go away on its own. (It actually tends to get worse as people engrain these patterns over decades).
The good news is you can radically change this faster than you realize.
It just requires ONE thing:
Immersion in an action-oriented environment.
This will help you:
1. Erase your fear and guilt about being boldly yourself.
2. Start speaking up, saying "no", and confidently asking for what you want.


Being Less Nice Will Help You:
Speak up for yourself. Now.
Share your perspective boldly and freely, with relaxed confidence.
Own who you really think, feel, and believe.
Ask for what you really want.
Say no confidently and regularly, without guilt or anxiety.
Have authentic interactions where can disagree and be real.
Care WAY less about what “they” will think of you.

Before I found Dr. Aziz, I was stuck in a cage of my own making, and I struggled to be myself, in almost any situation involving other people. I experienced levels of success I could not have achieved before. Investing in my confidence was the key.

Working with Dr. Aziz helped me uncover my courage. I feel like there is a leader part of me that wants to unleash and that’s how I want to live. Now I have an opportunity at work where I can show up in this light.

Dr. Aziz has drastically improved my life. Before taking his programs, I was shy, quiet, incredibly self critical, stressed, and generally felt that my life was bland. I now feel internally at peace, am outgoing, and am excited to share my thoughts, opinions, and jokes with friends and strangers alike.

I stumbled upon "Not Nice" by Dr. Aziz and that was it. I came to an event and chose to bet on myself and allow myself to grow. Now I feel that I am enough and I'm comfortable with saying "I don't know" rather than trying so hard to be perfect. I've been much more willing to speak-up at work and express my thoughts.

Working with Aziz has completely changed my worldview. I used to see myself in a negative light and I felt limited in many different aspects of life. Now I’m able to hold difficult conversations, handle challenges more calmly and above all understand what it means to really love myself.

I was feeling stuck. I would go through these bouts of motivation and inspiration and then it would just die out. But then I discovered Dr. Aziz's events. And now I have all of the accountability buddies I could ever need. I know that I can lean on them for support and continue to take bold action so I can make my goals and dreams happen.
DATES: March 14-16, 2025
Location: ONLINE
This is a 3-day event designed to make PERMANENT changes for anyone who wants to break out of the “nice” cage!

Friday, March 14 | 9:00am - 3pm Pacific
- Discover the true source of people pleasing and finally uproot and upgrade this old pattern.
- Access total freedom to just be you and stop feeling so worried about everyone’s feelings.
- Own your perspective, live in your reality, and live on your terms.

Saturday, March 15 | 9:00am - 3pm Pacific
- Radically upgrade your ability to speak up quickly and easily in any context.
- Overcome your fear of direct conversations, disagreement, or conflict.
- Confidently say NO when you want to and boldly ask for anything from anyone.

Sunday, March 16 | 9:00am - 3pm Pacific
- Reclaim your power, own who you are and what you stand for.
- Fully release the need to fit in and be liked so you confidently enjoy who you really are.
- Upgrade or end relationships that aren’t working anymore, claim your direction, and start living the life you are really meant to live.
GA = $97 | VIP = $297
GA = $197 | VIP = $397
GA = $497 | VIP = $697
When you step into the VIP experience of Not Nice Online, you will deepen your immersion and accelerate your results with the following bonuses:

Completely Liberate Yourself From The Cultural Field
Friday, March 14
3:30pm - 5:30pm Pacific
The cultural field is the invisible force that keeps you concerned about what “they” think, the constant pressure to conform, fit in, and be how everyone else wants you to be.
In this mind-blowing training, you are going to free yourself from this pressure and:
- Completely transform how you feel about other people judging you!
- Eliminate your fear of standing out and being rejected for who you really are!
- Unleash the unstoppable version of you who goes after what you really want and truly doesn’t give a f*ck!

Advanced Assertiveness Skills Training
Saturday, March 15
3:30pm - 5:30pm Pacific
You know that boldly and regularly speaking up can open endless opportunities in your career, social, and love life. Go beyond the core training of the event to master next level “ninja” assertiveness skills to fast-track your ability to say what you really feel:
In this practical and highly-actionable training, you’ll discover:
- How to take control and gracefully steer the conversation to get the results you’re looking for!
- How to confront difficult or defensive people and persist until you break through.
- How to instantly disarm someone who’s upset and have them like you and want to help you in minutes.

Life Beyond The Cage: Adventure Into The Unknown
Sunday, March 16
3:30pm - 5:00pm Pacific
The truth is most nice people have been nice their whole lives and don’t really know who they are outside of that pattern. After this event, your world will be blown open and you get to choose your life, on your terms, and steer wherever and however you want.
In this essential bonus third VIP session, you will:
- Get total clarity on who you are beyond niceness and people pleasing.
- Make powerful decisions about who you want to be and how you want to live.
- Take bold action to create your new life of authenticity and freedom now.
Below are just a small number of the people who've shared how much they've gotten out of weekend intensives and working directly with Dr. Aziz.

Things have changed in a major way compared to how I used to see myself. I decided what I want to get out of life and I am determined not to settle. And best of all, I am having more fun than I ever thought I could have!

Coming together as a group as being with all the other people is powerful. This program pushes you to do more than when you’re just sitting by yourself reading a book at home, it allows you to feed off each other’s energy.

I realized I had to put myself out there, which is something I'd avoided most my life. Then I discovered Dr. Aziz. In the last six months, everything has turned around. Thank you for everything Dr. Aziz!

I was terrified of being seen and having panic attacks. I was socially trapped inside my head and in my body. It was the most incredible thing to be able to change who I am and change how I show up in the world.

It was transformational. I was able to share my story for the first time ever and it was incredibly cathartic experience to be supported by a community of people who were just like me. Something that I've never felt in my life.

I attended one of his Weekend Intensives, and it turned out to be one of the best decisions I ever made in my life. After I came back, I started talking to people in my office I never talked to, and I made a lot of new friends.


No matter how long you've been stuck, how much you're tried in the past, or how "different" you think you are...
The truth is, anyone can dramatically shift their confidence levels in relatively short periods of time.
You just need to be willing to change the way they think, challenge some old beliefs, and take new actions in the world.
That's what worked for me, and what I've seen work for thousands of others over 2 decades of helping people with this.
I can't wait to see you liberate yourself to be the most bold, confident, free version of you in the world.
Your Friend,
Dr. Aziz