Dr. Aziz Interviews & Media Appearances
Discover The Secrets Of Lasting Confidence In The News, Presentations, And Full-Length Interviews On Major Podcasts
How To Beat Social Anxiety
Discover simple and powerful tools that anyone can use to rapidly overcome social anxiety and build permanent social confidence now.
Conquer Your Anxiety At Work
Discover the biggest reasons you feel anxious at work and how to quickly and powerfully lead with confidence in any situation.
5 Tips To Boost Your Confidence
If you struggle to approach others for friendship or dating, watch this clip to get some instant confidence tips!
How To Beat Social Anxiety Now
Discover simple and powerful tools that anyone can use to rapidly overcome social anxiety and build permanent social confidence now.
Art of Manliness #407: How To Stop Being A Nice Guy
Join Dr. Aziz as he shares on the iconic Art of Manliness podcast about how being nice might actually be causing you problems AND ruining your relationships.
You'll discover:
- Why most niceness actually stems from fear.
- How niceness builds resentment.
- If niceness isn't the goal, what are we aiming for instead?

Inspire Nation
If you’ve ever wanted to stop feeling like a doormat and getting walked all over, then do we have the Not Nice show for you.
Today I’ll be talking with Dr. Aziz Gazipura, social anxiety and confidence coach, the best-selling author of Extraordinary Confidence and the author of a brilliant page-burner on becoming the anti-doormat, Not Nice.
And that’s just what I want to talk with him about today, how to tell if you’re too nice, and how to stop people pleasing, staying silent, and feeling guilty, and instead start speaking up, saying no, and unapologetically being yourself.
5 Tips To Boost Your Confidence
If you struggle to approach others for friendship or dating, watch this clip to get some instant confidence tips!
The Science Of Success Podcast
In this episode, we explore how you can confidently be yourself - even if you’re afraid of what other people may do or think.
We discuss how our obsession with niceness and people pleasing is often a problem and share specific tools you can use to overcome it.
We also talk about the power and importance of saying no - and the right way to do it so that you can move away from approval seeking and step into bold authenticity with our guest Dr. Aziz Gazipura.
Listen Now!