5 Tips To Be More Confident Now
Dec 12, 2024Do you struggle with self-doubt, hesitation, or a fear of being judged? If so, you're not alone—and you're in the right place. Many people feel that social anxiety, people-pleasing, or the pressure to be perfect is holding them back from fully stepping into their power. The good news? You can change this today—and I’m going to share with you five things you can do right now to boost your confidence.
1. Confidence Starts from Within
The most essential first step is recognizing that confidence is an inside job. It's easy to think that once we get more money, approval, or respect, we’ll finally feel confident. But true confidence begins with challenging that negative, critical voice in your head—the toxic inner dialogue that holds you back.
Imagine if you were in a relationship with someone who constantly criticized and belittled you. You’d recognize that as toxic, right? But many of us let that voice dictate our self-worth. Start today by standing up to that inner critic with assertiveness. Tell it, “No, I won’t listen to that. I’m worthy and capable.” This simple shift will change the way you view yourself—and the world will start to reflect that confidence.
2. Own Your Value
Confidence isn’t just about doing more; it’s about knowing your worth. Too often, people avoid connecting with others—whether for friendships, romantic relationships, or work opportunities—because they believe they don’t have anything valuable to offer. Challenge that belief. Write down three reasons why someone would be lucky to know you, whether in a romantic or friendship context.
When you ground yourself in the understanding that you bring value to every relationship, it will radically shift your ability to connect and show up confidently. Remember, confidence is not about being perfect; it's about owning who you are, imperfections and all.
3. Defy Doubt with Action
The third step to boosting your confidence is to defy the voice of doubt. We all have a voice in our head that predicts failure before we even try. “They won’t like me,” “I’ll mess up,” or “I’ll fail.” If you listen to that voice, you’ll never take action, and confidence will never grow.
The secret? Say “Let’s find out” when that voice of doubt speaks up. You don’t need to know the outcome; you just need to take action. Ask yourself: “What’s the worst that can happen?” When you take action despite your doubts, you’ll quickly realize that the worst-case scenario often isn't as bad as you imagine—and that every time you face your fears, your confidence will grow.
4. Take Risks—Big and Small
Confidence is built through taking risks. Yes, it’s uncomfortable, but every risk you take—whether in social situations, work, or personal growth—will help you expand your comfort zone and become more confident.
Ask yourself: What’s one risk I can take today? Maybe it's speaking up in a meeting, starting a conversation with a stranger, or trying something you’ve always been too scared to do. The more risks you take, the more comfortable you'll become with discomfort, and the faster your confidence will grow.
5. Embrace Imperfection
Lastly, let go of the need to be perfect. Perfectionism is often a mask for insecurity, and it keeps us from taking action or showing up authentically. It’s time to embrace the messy, imperfect parts of yourself. Everyone makes mistakes, stumbles in conversations, and has awkward moments—and that’s perfectly okay.
When you stop judging yourself for being imperfect, you’ll be free to show up as your authentic self. And guess what? That’s when true confidence shines.
Take Action Today: Your Confidence Journey Starts Now
If you take just one of these steps today, you will begin to see a shift in how you approach life. You don’t have to wait for tomorrow or for everything to be “perfect” to be confident—you can start right now.
Remember, confidence is a practice, not a one-time event. By challenging that toxic inner voice, owning your value, taking risks, and embracing imperfection, you’re well on your way to transforming your life.
Reading blogs and watching videos online is a start...
When you are ready to radically transform your confidence so you speak up freely, boldly go after what you want, connect easily with others and be 100% unapologetically yourself, coaching is the answer.