Are You Being Too Nice At Work? niceness not nice work workplace Jul 18, 2024

Are You Being Too Nice at Work? Discover the Hidden Signs and What to Do About It

Are you finding yourself constantly overwhelmed at work? Do you feel like you're carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders? If so, it might be time to ask yourself an important question: Are you being too...

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The Dangers Of Being Too Nice bold authenticity danger nice not nice too nice Jul 11, 2024

The Hidden Dangers of Being Too Nice

Is it possible that being too nice can actually harm you and negatively impact those around you? While it might sound counterintuitive, especially since being nice often feels like the right thing to do, excessive niceness can cause significant problems in...

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Ack! People Will Judge Me For Changing! bold authenticity not nice rejection Jun 14, 2024

Picture this: you’ve been working hard to increase your confidence for some time, you’re watching the videos, reading the books, practicing the techniques (maybe even attending Confidence University), and you’re feeling great about your...

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What Do I Want? (Confidence Boosting Questions) assertiveness not nice total ownership Jun 14, 2024

Do you have trouble saying “No”? 

Do you tend to give in to your friends’, kids’, boss’s, and even coworkers’ requests?

Do you constantly do whatever anyone asks of you without any thought for yourself?


Are you too nice?



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3 Signs You're Too Nice (New Book) nice niceness not nice too nice Dec 07, 2023

The Misconception of Niceness: Are You Living Authentically?

"Are you too nice?" This question might seem unusual, but Dr. Aziz, an esteemed psychologist and author, prompts us to consider the depth of our 'niceness'. In his engaging YouTube video, Dr. Aziz unravels the complex psychology behind...

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How To Become Unfazed By Criticism bold authenticity criticism not nice Nov 10, 2022

I don’t like you. I don’t like your jerk-off name. I don’t like your jerk-off's face. I don’t like your jerk-off behavior. And I don’t like you, jerk off. Ok, end scene. (That’s from the classic stoner movie, The Big  Lebowski).



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How To Deal With Guilt About Speaking Up For Yourself assertiveness discomfort tolerance not nice omos social confidence Sep 12, 2022

Would you like to have more confidence when it comes to being around other people?

Would it bring joy and ease to your life to feel more comfortable speaking up, sharing your perspectives, and being more authentically yourself in the world? 

Would you like...

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How To Stand Up For Yourself Without Being Rude assertiveness bold authenticity not nice social confidence Aug 28, 2022

Are you afraid of conflict? 

Do you often deal with guilt about the things you say?

Do you feel constant anxiety about letting your opinions be heard?

If you’re ready to take control of your life and start standing up for yourself—but your...

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Why Do I Feel Anxious When I Stand Up For Myself? assertiveness bold authenticity not nice social confidence Aug 21, 2022

Do you constantly shy away from standing up for yourself? 

Does the very idea of freely speaking your mind make your stomach turn?

Have you ever stopped to consider why you feel so much anxiety around this topic and what has been creating that inner tension?



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How To Ask For What You Want assertiveness not nice social confidence Jul 24, 2022

Do you know how to ask for what you want in life?

Are you able to confidently talk about your desires without guilt and fear?

Do you know how to be effective as you freely go after your dreams?

Fact: the more you ask for what you want, the more you will get...

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If Youā€™re Too Nice And Worried About Other Peopleā€™s Feelingsā€¦ assertiveness bold authenticity not nice self-esteem Jul 17, 2022

Do you take on too much responsibility for other people’s feelings? 

Do you feel like you spend every minute of every day trying to please people and worrying about whether you’ve said the wrong thing?

This is an extremely common habit that plagues almost...

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How To Be Less Nice, Speak Up For Yourself, And Be More Assertive TODAY assertiveness bold authenticity not nice social anxiety May 22, 2022

Do you find it hard to speak up for yourself in certain situations?

Do you struggle with asserting yourself at work, at home, or even socially?

If you’ve waited your whole life to take matters into your own hands and learn the art of expressing...

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