How To Overcome Your Fear Of Rejection FAST anxiety confidence fear overcome rejection Jul 03, 2024

Are you trapped by a fear of rejection? This common fear can hold you back from being expressive, outgoing, and connecting with others. But overcoming it is simpler than you think. I'm Dr. Aziz, an expert in social anxiety and social confidence with a doctorate in clinical psychology and six...

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The Social Anxiety Trap anxiety assertiveness authentic confidence confidence boost social anxiety Jun 19, 2024

Breaking Free from the Social Anxiety Trap

Are you caught in the social anxiety trap? This is a cage I lived in for many years, and I see so many people struggling within it. They yearn to be more expressive, outgoing, and connected, but something holds them back. They’re stuck, like...

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How To Be More Assertive In 3 Simple Steps anxiety assertiveness authenticity confidence social anxiety Jun 12, 2024

Master the Art of Assertiveness: Transform Your Life with Confidence

Struggling to Speak Up?

Do you find it challenging to say no, ask for what you want, or stand up for yourself? If the idea of being more assertive resonates with you, you're not alone. Many people wish they could assert...

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When You Lose Confidence At Work... anxiety discomfort tolerance fear pressure work Apr 03, 2024

What do you do if you've lost confidence in yourself at work? 

This is a common human experience that everyone can relate to where somehow whatever confidence you had you just…lost it.

You lost your mojo. 

You don't feel confident in yourself. 

You don't believe in...

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How To Become Unfazed By Criticism acceptance anxiety confidence criticism social anxiety Mar 20, 2024

How do you boost your courage so you can put yourself out there in a bigger way?

To start, what does putting yourself out there mean? It means something different to each of us, so let’s find out what it is for you. 

Here’s a question I love asking people in my Unstoppable...

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Why Anxiety Makes You Bad At Sex (And How To Fix It) anxiety connection intimacy sex Mar 14, 2024

Do you find yourself steering clear of intimate moments due to a fear that lurks beneath the surface? You're not alone. Sexual anxiety is a common, yet seldom discussed, barrier to fulfilling relationships and self-expression. Dr. Aziz delves into the roots of this issue, offering transformative...

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Do You Get Anxious About Messing Up A New Connection? anxiety connection new connection May 18, 2023

Do you feel pressure to perform in conversations? 


Especially if you had a good conversation with somebody, a good connection forms, and then you'll see them again, whether it's a date or a social situation. And now the pressure is really on, and there's this anxiety. It's hard to...

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