Body Language Basics that Show High Confidence bold action confidence confidence boost confidence mindset confident mindset self-esteem total ownership Aug 08, 2023

Confidence is not just something you say, it’s something you show!


This isn’t a mind-over-matter sentiment; it’s a matter of how you physically present yourself to the world. No matter your professional background or personal insecurities, your body language can be...

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Why You Feel Inferior (And What To Do About It) confidence inferior inferiority self-esteem Jun 15, 2023

Do you ever feel inferior to other people? 


That might think the question is rhetorical because the answer is probably, yeah, everyone feels that.  


In fact, you might feel it once in a while, regularly or virtually all the time.


I've experienced it...

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What If You WERE Interesting? conversation confidence self-esteem social confidence Oct 13, 2022

Do you experience social anxiety? Do you sometimes struggle to speak up, share, and connect with others? One of the most common underlying stories that lead to this difficulty is this: I’m not that interesting.


This shows up in key areas of your life such as:

I’m not...

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3 Reasons You Feel Inferior (And What To Do About It) omos self-esteem social anxiety social confidence wins Sep 25, 2022

Do you secretly feel inferior to others?

Are you constantly creating reasons that you aren’t as good as everyone else around you in your mind?

Do you sometimes believe that you are a loser?

If you answered “Yes” to any of the questions above, then stick...

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If Youā€™re Too Nice And Worried About Other Peopleā€™s Feelingsā€¦ assertiveness bold authenticity not nice self-esteem Jul 17, 2022

Do you take on too much responsibility for other people’s feelings? 

Do you feel like you spend every minute of every day trying to please people and worrying about whether you’ve said the wrong thing?

This is an extremely common habit that plagues almost...

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Why Trying To Impress People Never Works (ā€¦And What To Do Instead!) bold authenticity not nice omos self-esteem May 01, 2022

Do you constantly find yourself secretly wanting to impress people? 

Whether at work, home, or out, are you always desperate for people to see you as successful, funny, smart, sexy, skilled, cool, or special?

Do you spend all of your...

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How To Stop Obsessing Over Mistakes bold authenticity omos self-esteem social anxiety Apr 03, 2022

Do you spend hours of your day obsessing over every little thing that goes wrong?

          You’re always screwing things up!

          This is going to be a disaster for you at work!


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Permanent Self-Worth omos perfectionism self-esteem Jan 10, 2022

How would you like to have permanent self-worth? 

Wouldn’t it feel fulfilling to understand at any given moment that you are unique, talented, lovable, and valuable?

We’ve all been there—we all know the condition of riding the rollercoaster of self-worth...

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How To Be On Your Own Side No Matter What inner critic omos self-esteem social anxiety Jan 03, 2022

What would your life be like if you were totally on your own side no matter what? 

How would your life be different if you never turned on yourself, criticized yourself, or doubted yourself and your abilities? 

What would happen to you if you simply believed in yourself?

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Are You On Your Own Side? inner critic omos self-esteem Dec 27, 2021

Do you spend your days wishing for happiness? 

Are you working consistently to bolster your confidence, but still not seeing the results you want? 

How would you like to experience more fulfillment and self-satisfaction than you could ever gain from...

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Afraid of Mistakes bold action omos self-esteem Nov 22, 2021

Are you afraid of making mistakes? 

Do you go through life constantly hesitant in your actions and second guessing everything you say?

Everyone is afraid of making mistakes in at least one area of their lives, and what I’ve found after years of working with...

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How To Believe In Yourself confidence boost doubtless self-esteem Nov 15, 2021

Would you like to believe in yourself more? 

Would you like to earn more moneycreate extraordinary relationships, and take your confidence-building enterprise to the next level? 

If so, then stick around . . . because today, we’re going to be discussing a...

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