Body Language Basics that Show High Confidence bold action confidence confidence boost confidence mindset confident mindset self-esteem total ownership Aug 08, 2023

Confidence is not just something you say, it’s something you show!


This isn’t a mind-over-matter sentiment; it’s a matter of how you physically present yourself to the world. No matter your professional background or personal insecurities, your body language can be...

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How To Turn Down Your Filters And Be More Free bold action bold authenticity filters free Apr 05, 2023

Do you get stuck in conversations where you don't know what to say next? 


Do you have a sense of fear when it comes to what if there’s a pause or a lull in the conversation, and then you won’t know what to say? 


Maybe you are scared to the point where you...

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2 Secrets to Unlimited Confidence acceptance bold action Nov 03, 2022

I’d like to share the two biggest secrets to creating unstoppable unlimited confidence. I know that might sound a bit dramatic, but in this case, “unlimited” is actually quite possible. 

Because confidence is a muscle, and the more you use it, the stronger it gets. But...

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There Is Only ONE Way To Build Confidence bold action confidence discomfort tolerance Oct 06, 2022

Did You Know There Is Only ONE Way To Build Confidence? Yes, there are tons of tools & strategies out there (like therapy approaches, coaching, books & programs). Why have all these books and programs if there’s only one way?

These tools are providing additional guidance...

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Decide To Be More Confident NOW bold action social anxiety social confidence total ownership Aug 14, 2022

Are you yearning to gain more confidence in your life?

Do you wish you had the ability to walk into a new situation, no matter what it is, and know that you can handle it? 

Would you like to develop the ability to speak up more boldly and stand up for...

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Warning! Anxiety Expands Unless You Do Thisโ€ฆ bold action social anxiety social confidence Jul 03, 2022

Do you experience anxiety in your daily life?

Have you ever noticed that this anxiety tends to grow in intensity as time passes?

Are you worried that it might continue to intensify until it gets out of control?

If you’re someone who deals with anxiety on a...

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Sneaky Confidence Killer #3: Delay Tactics bold action perfectionism social anxiety Jun 19, 2022

I’m working on it . . .

I’ll get to it later . . .

Now’s not a good time . . .

Someday, I’ll make that happen.

Any of these phrases sound familiar?

If you’re anything like the thousands of clients I’ve worked with over the years, then this is just a small...

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Sneaky Confidence Killer #2: Waiting For Courage bold action confidence mindset social confidence total ownership Jun 05, 2022

Do you find yourself hesitating a lot?

Do you tend to assume that the determination you need to accomplish your biggest goals will just magically appear someday?

If there is any part of you that is holding out for the day when you won’t be scared to go after...

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How To Feel Totally Comfortable And Confident bold action confidence mindset social anxiety Apr 17, 2022

If you’ve been following this blog for even a short time (or ever read a single article), you probably know the goal of my work with this community: to improve our lives through the development of ultimate confidence!

Now, that can mean a lot of things for a lot of different people.


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Change These 3 Patterns To Become More Confident Now bold action confidence mindset social anxiety Mar 13, 2022

Do you want to feel more confident, fulfilled, and successful?

Maybe you’ve been succeeding out there in the real world, but you’re still feeling empty inside. If so, then you’ve come to the right place, because today, we’re going to be diving into three...

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Afraid of Mistakes bold action omos self-esteem Nov 22, 2021

Are you afraid of making mistakes? 

Do you go through life constantly hesitant in your actions and second guessing everything you say?

Everyone is afraid of making mistakes in at least one area of their lives, and what I’ve found after years of working with...

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The ONE THING That Will Increase Your Confidence The Most bold action confidence mindset social anxiety social confidence Nov 08, 2021

Do you want to increase your confidence consistently, every single day?

Do you want to start seeing results like you’ve never seen before, no matter what you’re striving to achieve?

Do you wish there was one simple action you could take every day to make sure...

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