How Can I Achieve What I Want? (Confidence Boosting Questions) confidence boost total ownership Jun 14, 2024

How do you approach problems?

Do you jump into action immediately, confidently ticking away the boxes that mark each accomplishment?

Or, do you see the mountain of obstacles in front of you and stand there, dumbstruck?


How do you ask “How?”


There are two...

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What Do I Want? (Confidence Boosting Questions) assertiveness not nice total ownership Jun 14, 2024

Do you have trouble saying “No”? 

Do you tend to give in to your friends’, kids’, boss’s, and even coworkers’ requests?

Do you constantly do whatever anyone asks of you without any thought for yourself?


Are you too nice?



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Body Language Basics that Show High Confidence bold action confidence confidence boost confidence mindset confident mindset self-esteem total ownership Aug 08, 2023

Confidence is not just something you say, it’s something you show!


This isn’t a mind-over-matter sentiment; it’s a matter of how you physically present yourself to the world. No matter your professional background or personal insecurities, your body language can be...

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Simple Trick To Double Your Confidence Today confidence boost total ownership Oct 20, 2022

Would you like to learn a simple trick that will double your confidence by the end of today? Great! Here it is. Ready? Tighten up your ship.

I know, perhaps not what you were expecting. And perhaps more explanation is needed. But stick with me, because you will quickly see how this can...

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You Donā€™t Have Social Anxiety social anxiety social confidence total ownership Sep 19, 2022

Here you are: at the place for developing confidence in the face of social anxiety—a community full of like-minded individuals who are willing to support each other in overcoming our greatest fears and working toward our best selves. Some of you may even...

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Decide To Be More Confident NOW bold action social anxiety social confidence total ownership Aug 14, 2022

Are you yearning to gain more confidence in your life?

Do you wish you had the ability to walk into a new situation, no matter what it is, and know that you can handle it? 

Would you like to develop the ability to speak up more boldly and stand up for...

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How To Win More To Boost Your Confidence social anxiety social confidence total ownership wins Jul 10, 2022

Welcome! Here you are at the, “Get More Confidence,” channel . . . which means that you must be in the market for a serious boost to your overall confidence level and a general feeling of wellbeing.

Thankfully, you’ve come to the right place.

Today, we’re...

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Want More Confidence? Consume Less And Create More! confidence boost social anxiety total ownership Jun 12, 2022

How is your energy lately?

Do you wake up feeling ready to tackle the day? 

Do you treat each interaction and project as if it’s an opportunity for growth and inspiration?

Do you look forward to each new day as a renewed chance to slay it and create...

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Sneaky Confidence Killer #2: Waiting For Courage bold action confidence mindset social confidence total ownership Jun 05, 2022

Do you find yourself hesitating a lot?

Do you tend to assume that the determination you need to accomplish your biggest goals will just magically appear someday?

If there is any part of you that is holding out for the day when you won’t be scared to go after...

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Sneaky Confidence Killer #1: Yes Butā€™s confidence mindset total ownership May 29, 2022

Have you ever noticed that some of the most relentless setbacks to self-confidence come not from the external world, but right from our own minds and behaviors?

Fact: right now, even as you’re reading this article, there are four things you are probably doing that will...

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What If You Were Born Shy? social anxiety social confidence total ownership Apr 10, 2022

Have you always been a little more hesitant than everyone else around you?

Even as a little kid, did you always have trouble connecting to people?

Do you feel as though you simply came into the world less willing than others to put yourself out there and go after what you...

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How To Feel Confident Even When You Suck At Something confidence mindset social confidence total ownership Mar 27, 2022

Everyone’s good at something, right? Sports, music, math, friendship, parenting—each of us has his or her own unique skill set that allows us to remain confident in at least that one area, even when things aren’t going smoothly.


What about when we’re not good...

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