The Fear Of People anxiety awareness anxiety support courage over fear fear of people overcoming fear phobia social anxiety you are not alone Aug 01, 2024


Imagine someone asking if you’re afraid of humans. It sounds ridiculous at first, right? But if you’re someone who struggles with social anxiety, that question may hit closer to home than you’d like to admit. Just like people with arachnophobia avoid spiders, those with...

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The Social Anxiety Trap anxiety assertiveness authentic confidence confidence boost social anxiety Jun 19, 2024

Breaking Free from the Social Anxiety Trap

Are you caught in the social anxiety trap? This is a cage I lived in for many years, and I see so many people struggling within it. They yearn to be more expressive, outgoing, and connected, but something holds them back. They’re stuck, like...

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How To Be More Assertive In 3 Simple Steps anxiety assertiveness authenticity confidence social anxiety Jun 12, 2024

Struggling to Speak Up?

Do you find it challenging to say no, ask for what you want, or stand up for yourself? If the idea of being more assertive resonates with you, you're not alone. Many people wish they could assert themselves more but find it difficult. Fortunately, Dr. Aziz is here to help....

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How To Become Unfazed By Criticism acceptance anxiety confidence criticism social anxiety Mar 20, 2024

How do you boost your courage so you can put yourself out there in a bigger way?

To start, what does putting yourself out there mean? It means something different to each of us, so let’s find out what it is for you. 

Here’s a question I love asking people in my Unstoppable...

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Do you hate being disliked? confidence boost dislike disliked reality social anxiety Sep 28, 2023

Do you hate being disliked? Welcome to the human club.

We've all been there. The fear of being disliked is what holds most of us back. This overwhelming sensation stops us from expressing our true selves and living our lives to the fullest. But what if I told you that the very thing you fear...

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How To Stop Performing During Conversations change confidence conversation fear selfesteem social anxiety true self Aug 30, 2023

 Feeling the Weight of Every Conversation?

We've all been there - that creeping pressure in the back of our minds during every conversation, urging us to put on a show, to perform. It's as if every word, every gesture, every laugh is under a microscope. What if it didn't have to be this way?...

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3 Reasons You Feel Inferior (And What To Do About It) omos self-esteem social anxiety social confidence wins Sep 25, 2022

Do you secretly feel inferior to others?

Are you constantly creating reasons that you aren’t as good as everyone else around you in your mind?

Do you sometimes believe that you are a loser?

If you answered “Yes” to any of the questions above, then stick...

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You Don’t Have Social Anxiety social anxiety social confidence total ownership Sep 19, 2022

Here you are: at the place for developing confidence in the face of social anxiety—a community full of like-minded individuals who are willing to support each other in overcoming our greatest fears and working toward our best selves. Some of you may even...

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Social Anxiety Treatment social anxiety social confidence Sep 05, 2022

Do you experience social anxiety? 

Have you always been curious about effective treatment? 

Would you like to free yourself from your social anxiety so that you can become more confident in your own skin and approach the world more openly and authentically?

I’m Dr....

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Decide To Be More Confident NOW bold action social anxiety social confidence total ownership Aug 14, 2022

Are you yearning to gain more confidence in your life?

Do you wish you had the ability to walk into a new situation, no matter what it is, and know that you can handle it? 

Would you like to develop the ability to speak up more boldly and stand up for...

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Are You Avoiding Confidence? confidence mindset social anxiety social confidence Aug 07, 2022

We’re all here for one reason: to radically transform our confidence in every area of our lives.

We want to become more assertive; we want to build deeper connections in our relationships.

We want to increase our comfortability around new people.


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How To Win More To Boost Your Confidence social anxiety social confidence total ownership wins Jul 10, 2022

Welcome! Here you are at the, “Get More Confidence,” channel . . . which means that you must be in the market for a serious boost to your overall confidence level and a general feeling of wellbeing.

Thankfully, you’ve come to the right place.

Today, we’re...

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