How To Overcome Your Anxiety Of Approaching People

Aug 09, 2023

 In today's digital age, where the world is at our fingertips, the value of genuine human connections seems to be dwindling. With screens dominating our lives, why would one even consider approaching someone in person? Here's the catch: Real-life interactions are magic. A magic that no online chat or video call can replicate. Here's how Dr. Aziz, a renowned psychologist, and coach, breaks it down:

The Power of Real-Life Interactions

Why We Hesitate: We often question, “Why approach someone when I can easily drop them a message?” But Dr. Aziz reminds us, “Your ability to approach people opens all kinds of doors.” So, why do we hesitate? The culprits are our self-beliefs and the perceived lack of skills. But what's more daunting is the fear of awkwardness, which, in reality, is just our bruised ego's response.

Key Quote: “It's no big deal if someone doesn't like something you say. It’s your ego getting bruised, nothing more.” - Dr. Aziz

The Journey to Confidence

  1. Letting Go of Old Stories: Old narratives, like being "uninteresting" or "undesirable," often plague our minds. It's high time we break free from these chains. Because these age-old stories prevent us from forging real connections.
  2. Embrace the Process: Remember your first attempt at any new skill? It wasn't perfect, right? Similarly, look at conversations as skills. Dr. Aziz shares, “Approach conversations as you would any other skill. Expect misses, but with persistence, you'll improve.”

The Basics are Powerful

In social dynamics, starting simple is often underrated. Dr. Aziz believes that mastering the basics is the bedrock of confidence. Even a casual "hello" can open doors to profound connections.

Key Quote: “Master the basics. Build a foundation step by step.”

From Casual to Profound

  1. Simple Starts: Engaging briefly with someone may seem like a mountain when you're gripped with social anxiety. Start with easy questions or even a remark about your surroundings.

  2. The Warmth Factor: The world isn't as cold as our anxieties make it out to be. When you approach with warmth, more often than not, you're met with warmth.

Key Quote: “Your approach defines the response. Approach with warmth and you’ll often be met with warmth.”

  1. Enhancing Conversational Depth: Real growth in conversations comes from understanding, active listening, and responding genuinely. And, for those eager to delve deeper, Dr. Aziz does offer tools to help hone these skills.

Facing Fears to Forge Ahead

Confronting our fears is the first step towards overcoming them. As Dr. Aziz reminds us, separating genuine danger from simple discomfort is the key to growth.

Separate fear from danger. Most fears are just ego bruises.

In Conclusion...

If you've been holding yourself back due to social anxieties or the need to please, remember that every step, every word, and every interaction takes you one step closer to your authentic self.

Dare to be who you are. The world is waiting for you.

Embrace the magic of real-life interactions. The world is vast, and your journey towards being your best self has only just begun.

Reading blogs and watching videos online is a start...

When you are ready to radically transform your confidence so you speak up freely, boldly go after what you want, connect easily with others and be 100% unapologetically yourself, coaching is the answer.

Discover Dr. Aziz's Confidence Mastermind