Running Your Pain Away With John Thronton

Oct 24, 2023

In today's fast-paced world, many professionals feel burdened, not just by their responsibilities but by the weight of their own self-doubt and fear of judgment. But what if the chains that bind you aren't external but are instead woven from threads of social anxiety, excessive niceness, and self-criticism?


1. The Silent Struggle: Social Anxiety in Professionals

Social anxiety doesn't always manifest as shyness or avoidance. Sometimes, it's the quiet voice whispering that you're not enough, that you'll be rejected, or that you don't belong.

"Many professionals wear a mask, hiding their authentic selves out of fear of rejection. But in doing so, they trap themselves in a cycle of isolation and self-doubt."


2. People-Pleasing: The Double-Edged Sword

While being kind and considerate is valuable, excessive niceness can be a cage. Driven by a fear of disapproval, professionals often find themselves suppressing their desires and bending over backward for others, leading to burnout and resentment.

"When you constantly put others before yourself, you silence your own needs and desires, leading to a life that feels unfulfilling and disconnected."


3. The Key to Authenticity: Overcoming Self-Criticism

Breaking free requires acknowledging and confronting the internal critic. Recognizing the difference between constructive self-reflection and debilitating self-criticism is pivotal to building genuine confidence.

"Your worst critic isn't out there; it's the voice within. By challenging this voice, you open the door to self-appreciation and authenticity."


Charting a Path Forward: Embracing Boldness

To create a fulfilling professional and personal life, one must learn to challenge fears, appreciate oneself, and embrace authenticity. By taking small, deliberate steps, you can transform your mindset and begin to live with purpose and joy.

"No matter how entangled you feel in the web of social anxiety or how deep the rut of people-pleasing might be, there's always a way out. Believe in your inherent worth, embrace your authentic self, and watch as doors open and opportunities arise."


Embarking on this transformative journey may seem daunting, but with guidance and perseverance, a life of authenticity, connection, and confidence is within reach. Dive into Dr. Aziz's insights and equip yourself with the tools to break free and boldly be yourself in the world.

Reading blogs and watching videos online is a start...

When you are ready to radically transform your confidence so you speak up freely, boldly go after what you want, connect easily with others and be 100% unapologetically yourself, coaching is the answer.

Discover Dr. Aziz's Confidence Mastermind