Who Chooses Your Worth

Nov 07, 2023

“Your worth isn't defined by external validations, but by the courage to be your authentic self.” – Dr. Aziz

In a transformative exploration of self-worth, Dr. Aziz, a renowned author, psychologist, and coach, addresses a critical aspect that impacts every facet of our lives - our self-worth. His insights, drawn from a recent YouTube video, offer a new perspective for professionals battling social anxiety, people-pleasing, and self-criticism.

The Unseen Weight of Self-Worth

Dr. Aziz begins by uncovering the subtle yet profound influence of self-worth on our daily lives. It's a hidden driver, often overshadowed by our achievements and social comparisons, leading many into the depths of 'no worth ville.' This feeling of unworthiness, although not always overt, can significantly impact our relationships, careers, and overall life satisfaction.

Impact on Social Connections

The blog highlights how our self-worth narratives shape our ability to connect with others. It's not merely about social skills but about the stories we tell ourselves about our worthiness and lovability. Dr. Aziz points out that when we feel unworthy, it becomes a barrier to forming deep, meaningful relationships, more than just a challenge in starting conversations.

Shifting Your Perspective

A key concept introduced by Dr. Aziz is the distinction between self-worth and significance. He elucidates how our desire for significance - to feel special and unique - is a natural human need. However, the issue arises when we tether our self-worth solely to these fleeting moments of external validation. This dependency on external factors for our self-esteem is a precarious path that Dr. Aziz urges us to reconsider.

Embracing Your Inherent Worth

Dr. Aziz encourages us to embrace our true selves, finding strength in our authenticity rather than external achievements. He draws parallels with the narrative of Connor for Real from 'Pop Star,' depicting how even in the face of fame, one can feel incomplete without internal validation.

The Danger of a Single Source of Significance

The blog aptly uses the metaphor “Putting all your eggs in one basket” to describe the risk of relying on a single source for self-worth. Dr. Aziz likens this to common pitfalls in business and investing, advocating for a more diversified approach to deriving self-worth.

Empowering Change: Finding Significance Within

Dr. Aziz's message is clear: we hold the power to redefine our sources of significance. Moving away from societal or familial expectations, we can cultivate a sense of worth based on our values and beliefs.

The Path to Authentic Confidence

The journey to authentic confidence, as Dr. Aziz highlights, is about recognizing our inherent worth, diversifying our sources of significance, and embracing our true selves.

Final Thoughts: A Beacon of Hope

Dr. Aziz's insights offer hope and guidance for those seeking validation externally. He encourages introspection, recognizing our unique strengths, and celebrating our individuality.

Remember, you're not alone in this journey. Dr. Aziz's expertise shines as a beacon for those striving for self-acceptance and authentic confidence. Embrace your path to a more connected, confident, and authentic self.

Reading blogs and watching videos online is a start...

When you are ready to radically transform your confidence so you speak up freely, boldly go after what you want, connect easily with others and be 100% unapologetically yourself, coaching is the answer.

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