You Don't Need Their Approval

Jul 26, 2023

Breaking Free from the Need for Approval

"Why do you crave their validation so desperately?" This is a question many of us seldom ask ourselves, yet its implications weigh heavily on our minds. 

The Universal Hunger for Validation

Every individual, at some point, has yearned for a nod of acknowledgment, a word of praise, or a gesture of appreciation. This universal desire isn't the true enemy. The real issue arises when this yearning transforms into an insatiable, desperate need.

The real problem is not in the wanting but in the obsessive needing. When we bind our self-worth to external validation, we set ourselves up for endless suffering.

The Vicious Cycle of Validation Seeking

Have you ever felt that even when someone does validate you, it just doesn't 'hit' right or it's never enough? This is a sign of being ensnared in an endless loop, where we neither recognize nor appreciate the positive feedback we receive.

We become trapped in a cycle where we fervently seek approval, but when offered, we push it away. Such is the paradox of human nature.

Turning Inward for True Acceptance

A profound realization awaits: Many of us are surrounded by those who already cherish and appreciate us. Instead of continuously seeking more, it's time to recognize and absorb this existing reservoir of love.

To truly feel validated, one must allow themselves to absorb the love and acceptance that’s already around them.

Understanding the Root Cause

While the craving for approval is surface-level, the underlying problem is far deeper: an intrinsic feeling of unworthiness. It's this inherent feeling of 'not being enough' that fuels our desperate chase for validation.

The crux of the issue is a conditional sense of self-worth. Recognizing this is the first step towards true liberation.

You Are More Than Worthy

Remember, it's natural to want appreciation. Yet, your self-worth isn’t a price tag set by societal standards. Dive deep within, embrace your intrinsic value, and free yourself from the chains of external validation.

Your worth is immeasurable. Embark on this journey of self-love and watch the world bask in your radiant authenticity.

Are you intrigued by these insights? Discover more about reclaiming your self-worth by watching Dr. Aziz’s comprehensive video on this subject. Dive deeper into self-awareness and unearth the secrets to unwavering self-confidence. Your transformation awaits.

Reading blogs and watching videos online is a start...

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