Your Confidence Is NOT Due To Circumstance bold authenticity confidence mindset total ownership Feb 06, 2022

Throughout the years, I’ve guided several clients through social anxiety therapy—before dedicating myself to helping others through their confidence training, I was a clinical psychologist, after all—and one case from years and years ago always stands out so vividly in my...

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Itโ€™s Okay To Dislike People assertiveness bold authenticity not nice Sep 13, 2021

Do you have trouble allowing yourself to have negative feelings about other people?

Do you spend an upsetting amount of your precious free time pretending to like someone who drives you crazy?

Would you like to be able to live the life you want to live by spending time with...

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How To Tell Someone You Donโ€™t Like Them assertiveness bold authenticity not nice Sep 06, 2021

We’ve all been there: things are starting to go pretty well in your social life—you’re hanging out regularly, meeting new people, enjoying conversations more but there’s just that one person who you do not gel with. No matter what you do, you...

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