The ONE THING That Will Increase Your Confidence The Most bold action confidence mindset social anxiety social confidence Nov 08, 2021

Do you want to increase your confidence consistently, every single day?

Do you want to start seeing results like you’ve never seen before, no matter what you’re striving to achieve?

Do you wish there was one simple action you could take every day to make sure...

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The Truth About Learning Confidence confidence mindset social anxiety total ownership Nov 01, 2021

I have a confession to make. It’s a confession that I don’t want to have to make, and it’s probably a confession that you’re not going to like to hear . . . but my goal here has never been to mollycoddle you or sell you on something...

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It’s Okay; You’re Okay. omos self-esteem Oct 25, 2021

Hello everyone. It’s Dr. Aziz here, and this is just a quick check-in from me to see how things are going and offer my support if you need it—it’s a message you can come back to whenever you like and whenever you feel as though you need a bit of a boost.

Now, what little message...

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How To Be More Expressive conversation confidence social anxiety social confidence Oct 18, 2021

Do you get called out for being too reserved? Have you always wanted to be more expressive? Would you like to learn how to be more authentic and share more of yourself in both subtle and obvious ways?


For today’s episode, we’re going to...

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Are Healthy Romantic Relationships Really Possible?? confidence boost romantic confidence self-esteem Oct 11, 2021

Have you started to think that unconditional love is just some fantasy put forth by songs, pop culture, and romantic comedies?

Is it hard for you to see past the reality that passion fades?

Are you starting to believe that relationships have no choice but to end in jealousy,...

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The Myth of The Lone Wolf bold action confidence mindset total ownership Oct 04, 2021

Do you prefer to do things on your own? 

Are you the kind of person who likes to figure things out for yourself, lick your wounds in private, and celebrate as a party of one?

 Every so often, I meet a client who suffers from what I like to call “Lone...

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You Will Never Be Perfect confidence mindset omos perfectionism self-esteem Sep 27, 2021

Do you dream of perfection? 

Do you have some idea in your mind of how wonderful you will finally feel once you finally reach the fantasy life you’ve been imagining? 

Do you sometimes spend more time imagining that perfect life than you do taking bold action to...

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The Secret To Being Interesting conversation confidence self-esteem social confidence Sep 20, 2021

Do you sometimes worry that you’re not interesting enough? 

Do you have the idea that if you could only travel more or get a better job or take up more adventurous hobbies, you would suddenly seem intriguing to other people?

Well, I’ve got a little...

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It’s Okay To Dislike People assertiveness bold authenticity not nice Sep 13, 2021

Do you have trouble allowing yourself to have negative feelings about other people?

Do you spend an upsetting amount of your precious free time pretending to like someone who drives you crazy?

Would you like to be able to live the life you want to live by spending time with...

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How To Tell Someone You Don’t Like Them assertiveness bold authenticity not nice Sep 06, 2021

We’ve all been there: things are starting to go pretty well in your social life—you’re hanging out regularly, meeting new people, enjoying conversations more but there’s just that one person who you do not gel with. No matter what you do, you...

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Are You Willing To Do What It Takes? bold action confidence mindset total ownership Aug 30, 2021

Are you willing to do what it takes to create the life that you want?

Are you willing to get uncomfortable, have tough conversations, take risks, and experience failure?

Why is this such an important question?


Because you can’t walk the path toward...

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The Confidence Triad bold action confidence mindset omos Aug 02, 2021

Have you been experiencing a dip in your confidence lately?

Maybe you still haven’t reached your confidence goals and would like to increase your self-esteem altogether. Whether you need a general boost in your confidence or just want to get it back to normal,...

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