How To Be Less Needy (To Confidently Attract Others) #attract #empowerment #needy Mar 28, 2024

Do you ever feel that gnawing sense of neediness, as if your well-being hinges on someone else's approval or a particular outcome? You're not alone. Dr. Aziz delves into this universal experience, offering profound insights and strategies to transform neediness into confidence and freedom. Let's...

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What If You WERE Interesting? assertiveness authentic authenticity confidence interesting Mar 27, 2024

Do you experience social anxiety? Do you sometimes struggle to speak up, to share, and to connect with others?

One of the most common underlying stories that lead to this difficulty is this:

I’m not that interesting.

This shows up in key areas of your life, such as:

I’m not...

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Why Nice People Always Lose (You MUST Change This!) #authenticity #nice #niceness Mar 21, 2024

Do you find yourself trapped in the cycle of people-pleasing, constantly filtering your actions through the lens of others' approval? Dr. Aziz unveils the "nice person's dilemma," a common trap where your desire to be liked clashes with your yearning to live authentically. Discover how you can...

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How To Become Unfazed By Criticism acceptance anxiety confidence criticism social anxiety Mar 20, 2024

How do you boost your courage so you can put yourself out there in a bigger way?

To start, what does putting yourself out there mean? It means something different to each of us, so let’s find out what it is for you. 

Here’s a question I love asking people in my Unstoppable...

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Why Anxiety Makes You Bad At Sex (And How To Fix It) anxiety connection intimacy sex Mar 14, 2024

Do you find yourself steering clear of intimate moments due to a fear that lurks beneath the surface? You're not alone. Sexual anxiety is a common, yet seldom discussed, barrier to fulfilling relationships and self-expression. Dr. Aziz delves into the roots of this issue, offering transformative...

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How To Find The Courage To Put Yourself Out There Mar 13, 2024

How do you boost your courage so you can put yourself out there in a bigger way?

To start, what does putting yourself out there mean? It means something different to each of us, so let’s find out what it is for you. 

Here’s a question I love asking people in my Unstoppable...

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End Self-judgement & Skyrocket Your Confidence Now Mar 06, 2024

Do you judge yourself? 

Do you criticize yourself? 

Do you often compare yourself to others and find yourself lacking?


These are hallmark signs of social anxiety and low confidence.

Questions about comparison to others is one of the most common questions I receive from clients,...

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Regain Your Confidence FAST (Watch This After Rejections Or Failures) failure regainconfidence rejection Feb 29, 2024

Has life ever thrown you a curveball that shattered your confidence? Whether it's a personal or professional setback, the path to regaining your confidence is fraught with self-doubt and fear. But Dr. Aziz offers a beacon of hope with three transformative strategies to not only regain your...

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How To Truly Transform Social Anxiety Into Unstopppable Confidence Feb 28, 2024

A Vision of Transformational Confidence

Dr. Aziz, a renowned psychologist and author, opens a dialogue about a transformative journey from social anxiety and self-doubt to a life of boldness, expressiveness, and leadership. He assures that anyone, regardless of their background or challenges, can...

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How To Get What You Want...Without Being Pushy asking pushy want Feb 22, 2024

Are you feeling perpetually sidelined, as if your needs and desires are perpetually on the back burner? Dr. Aziz's latest insights shed light on two pivotal mistakes that might be keeping you in this unsatisfying loop. But fear not – understanding and rectifying these can transform your...

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You Can Become Outgoing Feb 21, 2024

Unleashing a Confident, Outgoing You

Dr. Aziz, an esteemed psychologist and coach, opens up a world of possibilities for professionals plagued by social anxiety and self-doubt. He asserts with conviction that anyone can transform into a more outgoing, confident, and successful version of...

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Become The New Confident Version of You Now Feb 14, 2024

The Quest for Bold, Confident Action

Dr. Aziz, an esteemed psychologist and coach, recognizes the common desire among professionals to exhibit boldness and confidence in various aspects of life, whether in social settings, the workplace, or personal endeavors. He offers a straightforward mental...

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