How To Let Go Of Worry And Doubt doubtless social anxiety social confidence Apr 24, 2022

What does it mean to worry and doubt yourself?

How do fear and self-doubt affect your mental state, physicality, and overall confidence?

For most people, worry is an indication of danger: If I’m feeling fear, then my subconscious must know...

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How To Feel Totally Comfortable And Confident bold action confidence mindset social anxiety Apr 17, 2022

If you’ve been following this blog for even a short time (or ever read a single article), you probably know the goal of my work with this community: to improve our lives through the development of ultimate confidence!

Now, that can mean a lot of things for a lot of different people.


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What If You Were Born Shy? social anxiety social confidence total ownership Apr 10, 2022

Have you always been a little more hesitant than everyone else around you?

Even as a little kid, did you always have trouble connecting to people?

Do you feel as though you simply came into the world less willing than others to put yourself out there and go after what you...

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How To Stop Obsessing Over Mistakes bold authenticity omos self-esteem social anxiety Apr 03, 2022

Do you spend hours of your day obsessing over every little thing that goes wrong?

          You’re always screwing things up!

          This is going to be a disaster for you at work!


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How To Feel Confident Even When You Suck At Something confidence mindset social confidence total ownership Mar 27, 2022

Everyone’s good at something, right? Sports, music, math, friendship, parenting—each of us has his or her own unique skill set that allows us to remain confident in at least that one area, even when things aren’t going smoothly.


What about when we’re not good...

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3 Tips For Confidence In Groups assertiveness conversation confidence social anxiety social confidence Mar 20, 2022

Have you ever noticed that people tend to gather in little groups?

There you are at a wedding or a work event or your lunch hour, and without fail, tiny groups of three to five people will form and scatter themselves around the room, chatting.

And then you walk in.

What do you do?

Do you...

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Change These 3 Patterns To Become More Confident Now bold action confidence mindset social anxiety Mar 13, 2022

Do you want to feel more confident, fulfilled, and successful?

Maybe you’ve been succeeding out there in the real world, but you’re still feeling empty inside. If so, then you’ve come to the right place, because today, we’re going to be diving into three...

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2 Tips From The Most Confident Man In The Roomā€¦ omos social anxiety social confidence Mar 06, 2022

Each and every one of us has that one person in our lives who always seems imperviously confident.

He stands taller;

He dresses with stylish abandon;

He sees himself as unquestionably equal to others;

By all accounts, he seems to just KNOW that he deserves self-confidence.

Have you...

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3 Tips To Calm Anxiety Instantly confidence mindset social anxiety Feb 27, 2022

Anxiety: it happens to all of us. Everything can be going just fine, then all of a sudden, it sneaks in from out of nowhere. Other times, it can linger, waiting to flare up at the worst possible moment. Maybe the ebb and flow of nerves is even a pattern for you.

What do you do when that...

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5 Steps To Instantly Become More Attractive assertiveness romantic confidence social anxiety social confidence Feb 20, 2022

Have you always wanted to be more attractive to people?

Do you constantly worry about your looks and how they make other people view you?

Maybe you know that you’re an objectively good-looking person, but you worry there is something else about you that is turning...

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How To Be More Confident In Virtual Meetings conversation confidence social anxiety social confidence Feb 13, 2022

Have you ever felt a little self-conscious during virtual meetings?

Do you have trouble knowing how to act during online interviews?

Have you always wanted to increase your appeal to the higher-ups, even in a video conference?

For many of us, the next month or...

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Your Confidence Is NOT Due To Circumstance bold authenticity confidence mindset total ownership Feb 06, 2022

Throughout the years, I’ve guided several clients through social anxiety therapy—before dedicating myself to helping others through their confidence training, I was a clinical psychologist, after all—and one case from years and years ago always stands out so vividly in my...

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