Do I Have To Be An A**hole To Succeed In Life?? Aug 23, 2023

Do I have to be an a**hole to succeed in life? 


It was a question I got recently via email. I thought it was great, so I thought I'd answer it here. 


I wrote this book, "Not Nice," a couple of years ago.


When people hear that, they say, "Not nice? Do you mean to be...

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You Are Worthy Of Friendship Aug 23, 2023

Unlocking Your Inner Confidence: Rise Above Social Anxiety

"What if the only thing holding you back was... you?"

In the era of technological marvels and digital connections, a vast number of professionals find themselves ensnared in the unyielding grip of social anxiety. They're beset by doubts,...

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Can Social Anxiety Be Cured? Aug 09, 2023

Can social anxiety be cured? 


No. And that's the end of this discussion. 


I'm kidding. 


But sometimes, that is what it seems like. At least, it certainly seemed like a way for me when I lived with social anxiety. I didn't even think about curing it. I didn't...

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How To Overcome Your Anxiety Of Approaching People Aug 09, 2023

 In today's digital age, where the world is at our fingertips, the value of genuine human connections seems to be dwindling. With screens dominating our lives, why would one even consider approaching someone in person? Here's the catch: Real-life interactions are magic. A magic that no...

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Body Language Basics that Show High Confidence bold action confidence confidence boost confidence mindset confident mindset self-esteem total ownership Aug 08, 2023

Confidence is not just something you say, it’s something you show!


This isn’t a mind-over-matter sentiment; it’s a matter of how you physically present yourself to the world. No matter your professional background or personal insecurities, your body language can be...

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You Are Not Your Critical Thoughts Aug 06, 2023

Silencing Your Inner Critic: Take Control and Embrace the Real You

Confidence is an inside job.

We've all felt it - that nagging inner critic. The voice in our heads that says we're not good enough, smart enough, or worthy. It's the voice that makes us second-guess ourselves and keeps us from...

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How To Live Without Regrets regrets Jul 27, 2023

Would you like to live without regret? 


I mean, truly open-heartedly joyously without regrets. 


If you answered “Yes,” it comes down to two things. 


Do you want to know what they are? 




The people that I see that...

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You Don't Need Their Approval Jul 26, 2023

Breaking Free from the Need for Approval

"Why do you crave their validation so desperately?" This is a question many of us seldom ask ourselves, yet its implications weigh heavily on our minds. 

The Universal Hunger for Validation

Every individual, at some point, has yearned for a nod of...

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How To Release Insecurity Fast acceptance confidence insecurity Jul 20, 2023

The Secret to Overcoming Social Insecurity: A Game-Changing Hack

Do you constantly feel the weight of eyes on you, scrutinizing your every move, making you doubt yourself? Whether it's at a social event, a business conference, or even just around your fit friends at the gym, if insecurity is your...

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How To Be More Decisive Now Jul 19, 2023

Unleash Your Confidence: Conquering Indecisiveness in a World of Choices

“Lost in a swirl of thoughts, constantly second-guessing every choice?” If that resonates, you're not alone. The modern world, abundant with choices, can often leave us overwhelmed. But, as Dr. Aziz suggests,...

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How To Let Go Of Past Mistakes mistakes moving on past mistakes Jul 13, 2023

How do you let go of past mistakes? 


You might be experiencing this suffering of things from the past. 


It could be recent, like: 

Why did I stay in that relationship? 

Why did I be that person in the first place? 

Why did I say that at work? 


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Are You Enough? Jul 11, 2023

Is "Being Enough" Holding You Back? Unlock Your Authentic Self

"Am I enough?" This simple, yet profound question often holds the key to our deepest fears and insecurities. But, what if the answer could set you free?

Unraveling the Self-Doubt Mystery

The haunting whisper, "Am I enough?", isn't...

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